Hagerman Fossil Beds
Hagerman, Idaho
1-800-84-IDAHO (1-800-844-3246)
Hagerman Fossil Beds:
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Hagerman Fossil Beds reviews
4.0 out of 5.00
4 InIdaho.com reviews
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During the Pliocene Epoch, this area was an ancient lake and the layers of sediment have preserved the world's richest known fossil deposits from that age. Research began in the late 1920's and continues today. Partial skeletons of over 200 "Hagerman Horses" (most closely related to the modern zebra) were recovered here by the Smithsonian Institution, various universites and the National Park Service. The monument has a visitor center in Hagerman and the site offers visitors hiking, horse and mountain bike trails as well as an overlook to view Oregon Trail wagon ruts.

Location information:

General Location: 221 North State Street,
Directions: Drive South through Hagerman on Highway 30 - Turn right at the U.S. Bank (Mile 0.4) Hagerman Ave.
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Guided Tours
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Guided trips can be arranged with the National Park Service by calling 208-837-4793.

. Description | Pricing | Photos | Reviews
The monument has a visitor center in Hagerman and the site offers visitors hiking, horse and mountain bike trails as well as an overlook to view Oregon Trail wagon ruts. Colossal flooding through the valley of the Snake River 15,000 years ago tumbled rocks from the size of watermelons to compact cars and deposited them in today's Hagerman Valley. Flood waters also exposed the layers and fossils of Hagerman Fossil Beds in the bluffs above the Snake River. From the visitor center in Hagerman you can look across the Snake River to the bluffs that hold a wealth of fossils. From the river level to the top of the bluffs the fossil record spans 550,000 years. Many species of birds and other animals that today frequent the Snake River's banks and nearby wetlands are similar to those fossilized in the bluffs. Native vegetation of the Hagerman area typifies species adapted to high desert conditions. Sage and rabbit bush dominate, along with grasses.

National Monument
  Description | Pricing | Photos | Reviews
Colossal flooding through the valley of the Snake River 15,000 years ago tumbled rocks from the size of watermelons to compact cars and deposited them in today's Hagerman Valley. Flood waters also exposed the layers and fossils of Hagerman Fossil Beds in the bluffs above the Snake River. From the visitor center in Hagerman you can look across the Snake River to the bluffs that hold a wealth of fossils. From the river level to the top of the bluffs the fossil record spans 550,000 years. Many species of birds and other animals that today frequent the Snake River's banks and nearby wetlands are similar to those fossilized in the bluffs. Native vegetation of the Hagerman area typifies species adapted to high desert conditions. Sage and rabbit bush dominate, along with grasses.

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Reviews  Hagerman Fossil Beds Reviews by InIdaho.com verified guests
Please note: Guest reviews may mention certain amenities that may no longer be offered with Hagerman Fossil Beds. Please check the amenities prior to booking to confirm.

By Jen from Bellevue, Idaho on 1/13/2016
4  out of 5 
No comments
Good Value: 2  out of 3 | Met Expectations: 2  out of 3 | Do again? 2  out of 3

By Michelle from Shelley, ID on 3/20/2013
3  out of 5 
"This was a free activity but was a little confusing. We knew there were no fossils visible and they did a bait and switch to the Oregon Trail info which was fine, but the signs/maps, etc. were very confusing. It was frustrating to go down 3 different trails just to find out there weren't clear markings of the Oregon Trail. More White Markers Needed!!!"
Good Value: 3  out of 3 | Met Expectations: 2  out of 3 | Do again? 2  out of 3

By Tammi on 4/3/2006
5  out of 5 
No comments
Good Value: 3  out of 3 | Met Expectations: 3  out of 3 | Do again? 3  out of 3

By Liyan from Cupertino, CA on 8/18/2005
4  out of 5 
Product reviewed:  National Monument
"The ranger in the visitor center is very very nice and knew a lot."
Good Value: 2  out of 3 | Met Expectations: 3  out of 3 | Do again? 2  out of 3

Please note: Reviews are written by travellers who have experienced this product first hand. Reviews are © InIdaho.com
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Winter background image courtesy of Brundage Mountain.