Home to the “Niagara of the West”, Twin Falls offers great scenic views and diverse recreation opportunities including exploring Shoshone Falls, rafting or kayaking the Snake River, golfing, hiking trails and plenty of parks. Twin Falls is also home to the College of Southern Idaho.
Popular places to stay in the Twin Falls area.
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Twin Falls, Idaho is full of scenic surprises. Twin Falls is located approx. 35 miles south of Hagerman and 37 miles west of Burley. This area is home to the College of Southern Idaho and is also full of beautiful sites including Shoshone Falls (called the Niagra of the West), the Snake River Canyon which can be viewed from the Twin Falls Visitors Center, Perrine Bridge looming 486 feet over the Snake River (one of the only places in the country where thrill seekers can BASE jump or Bungee jump without a permit) as well as countless parks and rafting opportunities on the Snake River.
Lodging options in the Twin Falls area include hotels near to the College of Southern Idaho such as Best Western Plus and the Red Lion Canyon Springs, hotels close to the downtown center such as Holiday Inn and Hampton Inn as well as numerous other hotels in and around town.
Jerome is 16 miles North
Hagerman is 35 miles North West
Burley is 40 miles East
Jackpot, NV is 47 miles South
Glenns Ferry is 59 miles North West
Albion is 62 miles South East
Hailey is 72 miles North
Sun Valley is 82 miles North