Pocatello is southeast Idaho's largest city. Pocatello is also home to Idaho State University and has its own Regional Airport. In addition, the city's convenient location at the junction of Highways 86 and 15 make Pocatello a great central location from which to explore the unique attractions and recreation the area has to offer including the Fort Hall Replica, city zoo, lots of trails for mountain biking, Nordic skiing and snowmobiling, the aquatic complex and a couple of great golf courses!
Popular places to stay in the Pocatello area.
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Pocatello, Idaho is located conveniently for travelers at the intersection between Highways 86 and 15, making it a great stopping point on your way to the Tetons, Yellowstone or southern Idaho and Utah. It is also home to Idaho State University! But Pocatello is more than just a stop-off, it offers a lot of great history and sites to see. Activities in the area include the Museum of Natural History, a Nordic center for winter recreation, the Fort Hall replica, golf courses, rock climbing and visiting the city zoo.
For the Pocatello area we have a variety of hotels for visitors to choose from. We have options along the I-86 corridor including Towneplace Suites and Travelodge, hotels near the University such as Hampton Inn and La Quinta as well as hotels close to the downtown center.
Blackfoot is 25 miles North
Lava Hot Springs is 35 miles South East
Idaho Falls is 50 miles North East
Burley is 79 miles West
Albion is 81 miles South West